Monday, January 28, 2008

Financial Freedom

Over the past four years, we have been teaching through a series on Financial Freedom. This is such a difficult subject to talk about in church because the knock on church is that "they are always asking for our money." Let me take this opportunity to be clear... I believe that Jesus taught a lot about giving; about how finances are tied so closely to our heart. I believe that Jesus commanded his followers (us) in how to treat finances; how to make monetary decisions; what to do with those in need; how to be generous.

When the church instructs on giving, it is not to somehow manipulate people into giving for the sake of the church. When Jesus gave the Great Commission, He said to "make disciples of all nations" but He also said to "teach them to obey everything I have commanded you to." The church has the responsibility to teach what Jesus taught -- including finances. When the church teaches on financies, it is out of a heart of being obedient to Jesus teaching to His disciples.

If anyone decided to give financially to New Hope, our desire is that they be motivated by Jesus instructions, God's principles, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. There should not be compulsion from man -- only instruction on what Jesus had to say.

As funds are received, the church (like each of us individually) carries the responsibility to steward its resources well. New Hope has a purpose, "To honor God by making passionate follwers of Jesus Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit." Everything the church does must move individuals toward that purpose... hardened hearts become softened, hopeless find hope, prisoners be set free, doubters become seekers, seekers become followers, and followers become passionate. Whether New Hope received $10,000/year or $10,000,000/year, the responsibility and commitment of the leadership is to pray, seek the leading of the Holy Spirit, and make decisions that can best advance that purpose.

Our job as individuals: read the Bible, listend to Jesus teaching, be obedient to God's instructions, and lean into the Holy Spirit on what we should give and where we should give it.

Our job as a church: pass on the teaching of Jesus and steward whatever resources come in based on the purpose of the church, Biblical instruction, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 14, 2008


There are several area pastors that are interested in joining forces together to make a significant impact in the battle against HIV/AIDS. Some churches have already taken some steps while others are waiting for the right opportunity. My desire is to see the churches lead a community-wide effort; to see Isanti County as an expanded community partner with a region in an area affected by HIV/AIDS to help turn the tide of poverty and lack of education which are underpinnings of the AIDS issue. To that end there I have attended a seminar at Bethel University attended by pastors from First Baptist and River of Life as well as other lay leaders from the area; this led to a discussion and presentation by World Vision at the ministerial meeting last week; this led to another one-on-one meeting with a lay leader from Cambridge Lutheran (who is already taken leadership on this issue). Over the next few months, my desire is that church leaders will meet to articulate a unified vision for what this could look like and then, over time, gain momentum by getting other community leaders on board ultimately resulting in the creation, announcement, and execution of a transformational impact program in the area of HIV/AIDS. Jesus calls us to care for the widows and orphans. The widows & orphans created by the greatest global medical crisis in history is absolutely staggering. Jesus calls us to the utter ends of the world to share the gospel. If you have a passion around this issue, I would love to hear from you as we start to move forward on this. May the Lord bless you in great & mighty ways. Your servant.... Steve