Monday, February 4, 2008

White as snow

Prior to today's snowfall, I had been thinking about how the snowpiles around town and our house had become pretty ugly. You know what I mean... snow gets plowed a few times and the piles turn dirty. But then the new snow came today and whitened everything up again.

My thoughts moved to my heart and my need for constant snow to make me clean. As we confess our junk, ask God for forgiveness, and commit to turning from our ways, we are forgiven and our sins become as far as the East is from the West and are sent to the ocean floor. The blood of Christ becomes the snow in our lives, making us white as snow... glorious grace! But our repentance can give way to the pressures of life and the wiles of an enemy that prowls around like a roaring lion. Like Paul, we find two laws at work within us - the law that wants to do good and the law that does evil. Over time, our sinful nature, leads to our snowpiles becoming dirtied once again. Praise God for fresh snow.

1 comment:

Jo-Jo Spencer said...

Hoping I can be as insightful as you, dude.